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Learn how to structure your FOIA request for data on how schools are spending pandemic-relief funding; find important datasets; get questions to ask, story idea...
Learn about the main early childhood education systems and the ways they affect who receives access to them. Get tips for equitably covering caregivers, especia...
Many students, parents and community members don’t know much about what student data is being collected at their schools, how it is protected and who has acc...
As May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month, we’re looking more closely into higher education topics through the lens of the AAPI student exp...
College students may not know they’re being monitored by ed tech or artificial intelligence-supported surveillance software like Social Sentinel. Learn what t...
Experts detail how states and school districts are prioritizing their per-student and overall education spending, and they explain funding trends that originate...
While many higher education institutions or programs are losing students, others are getting a boost. College enrollment trends have major implications that jou...
This year offers an opportunity for reporters to assess summer learning programs and consider whether expanded summer offerings are likely to be a permanent par...
Millions of Americans are carrying burdensome student loan debt, but what other factors are preventing their upward mobility? Experts break it down, from racial...