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Impacts already being seen in admissions, student loans and for-profit colleges....
Public university systems have weathered wave after wave of difficulties in recent years – from shrinking state funding streams to intense public scrutiny and...
“Diversity is essential to the success of the news industry.” Those words, once so eloquently stated by award-winning journalist Gwen Ifill, capture the ove...
The case pits Mark Janus, an Illinois child-support specialist, against the union that charged him fees, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal ...
New questions are arising about the power of teachers’ unions, the role of social media, and what teachers are doing to continue their efforts beyond large-sc...
Building character is an everyday event, woven into the fabric of how school is done on every level, educators and students told journalists during a conference...
The #Enough movement pushes for stricter gun control measures, more funding for mental health....
Some states act to spark schools' focus on teaching subject....