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Kyra Miles is pioneering an early childhood education beat at Minnesota Public Radio after the topic received little past coverage. She explains how she’s informing the public and details ECE issues and solutions in Minnesota. (EWA Radio 344)
There’s always something new to learn each year at EWA’s National Seminar, according to journalist Daarel Burnette. Learn how to make the most of this year’s conference, and get the inside scoop on why “glitter cake pops” trended on Twitter after a previous National Seminar. (EWA Radio 343)
Get expert guidance to better report on teacher workforce issues, and learn what leaders are doing to bolster the teacher pipeline.
The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Eric Hoover helps journalists make sense of the “FAFSA crisis of 2024” and explains why it’s a story about race, ethnicity and socioeconomic inequality. (EWA Radio 342).
Schools need to commit remaining pandemic-relief funds this September. Experts helped reporters evaluate the financial outlook for their school districts.
Maryland is a diverse state, but Black teachers are leaving the profession at a higher rate than teachers of other races. Journalist Kristen Griffith explains why and shares why she’d like to see more education stories about certification and licensing (EWA Radio 341).