2020 Investigative Reporting (Smaller Newsroom) Finalists
Separated By Design
Jacqueline Rabe Thomas
The Connecticut Mirror
Comment from the Judges: “Outstanding reporting, showing why more education reporters should leave their silos and report at the intersections of their beats and other social inequity issues.”
DeVos on the Docket: An Investigation of America’s Most-Sued Education Secretary
Linda Jacobson
The 74
Comment from the judges: “This was a creative approach to identifying a story and the reporting bore it out – pushing to show that DOE lost more employees than any other federal agency during the Trump years.”
School Abuse
Ann Dornfeld, Liz Jones and Isolde Raftery
Comment from the judges: “This story is very well done. The style of breaking down how teachers with egregious allegations against them continued to work with images made it easy to follow and helped readers understand complex education systems. “