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News Explainers

Learn how to stay on top of curriculum and content changes amid critical race theory debates and partisan politics. Additionally, get tips from a South Dakota r...
How an EWA Reporting Fellowship helped me (Alia Wong) better understand whether and how COVID’s unpredictability, stress and isolation undermined kids’ deve...
Native reporters and educators provide tips for covering Indigenous students amid critical race theory claims, renewed efforts to teach Native history, and some...
Featuring recent interviews with education journalists and experts who discussed the nation’s student mental health crisis at EWA’s 2022 National Seminar, t...
Cassandra Mensah of National Women’s Law Center discusses how schools can support pregnant and parenting teens in this post Roe v. Wade world....
Experts tackle questions of fairness and the future of student loans and forgiveness....
Amid an ‘all-time high’ in partisan polarization in the U.S., get background and tips to better cover the politicization of education and how it affects stu...
The Education Department’s James Kvaal speaks about the future of higher education and the Biden administration’s role....
What reporters should closely watch amid school spending initiatives and discussions...