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As charter school enrollment grows, researchers disagree on extent of financial impact and who's to blame....
Broward County School Board wants Sun Sentinel reporters held in contempt for publishing redacted details....
Petrified by percentages? Or mesmerized by math? No worries. Experts assembled for a recent Education Writers Association panel shared strategies to enlist data...
Experts discuss the potential of OER, but also the challenges...
If you’ve been confused about what the data and research say about school segregation — whether it is growing or shrinking – you’re not alone. Scholars ...
The hands-on approach is growing but whether it can deliver on promises remains to be seen....
In its latest rollback of President Obama’s education policy legacy, the Trump administration wants school superintendents and college presidents to aim for â...
Diversifying the teacher workforce — an issue of growing concern to education leaders and policymakers — is difficult to achieve because of leaks in the pip...
At Rocky Hill School, a private day school in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, it’s not unusual for education technology entrepreneurs to pop into the classroom ...